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Drilling Data Standard & Pipeline


The GDR's drilling data pipeline automatically recognizes drilling data in native Pason or RigCLOUD output format (CSV or Excel), and converts it into a standardized CSV format with standardized column names and units (see Standard below). These formats were chosen as they represent the most common formats for drilling data within the GDR. This standardized format allows more efficient gathering and use of drilling datasets for drilling-related data science and machine learning workflows.

Tips to Ensure your Data are Standardized

To ensure your drilling data are standardized, follow these tips:

  • Do not put your drilling data into zipped directories.
  • Ensure that your drilling data are in a compatible format:
    • CSV or Excel format
    • Using native column headers and units from Pason or RigCloud export

* Note that the standard below includes RIMBase, but RIMBase has not yet been incorporated into the GDR drilling data pipeline. Currently, RIMBase data will not be automatically standardized.
If you think your dataset should have been standardized, but was not, please contact GDR Help. We are happy to assist and are constantly looking to improve are data standards and pipelines.

Helpful Resources

Here are some helpful resources related to the GDR's drilling data standard and pipeline:

How Does it Work?

When a submitter uploads a drilling data file to a GDR submission in a recognized format (see Tips to Ensure your Data are Standardized” section), the GDR will automatically recognize it as such. Immediately after the submitter clicks “Save,” a new grayed-out file will be added to the Data Resources list, indicating that translation into the standardized format has begun. All of the metadata from the original file is copied over to the new standardized file, with the addition of some descriptive text to indicate that the new version of the file is an auto-generated and standardized copy of the original file. During the translation period, the submitter may edit the resource metadata as needed, but cannot delete the standardized copy. When the process is complete, the file will no longer be grayed out (may require refresh).

The original file is preserved alongside the new standardized version, so that users may choose which version of the data they prefer to download. The image below provides a visual depiction of this process.

The GDR Drilling Data Standard

Platform-Specific Field Names

The GDR Drilling Data Standard

GDR Standard Field Name & Description GDR Standard Units Pason Field Name RIMBase Field Name RigCloud Field Name Required
AutoDriller Block Velocity

A measure of how fast the traveling block is moving up or down the hole.
feet per hour (ft/hr) AutoDriller Block Velocity - - -
AutoDriller System Enabled

A binary field indicating whether or not the AutoDriller is in use.
N/A AutoDriller Status - AD System Enabled Required if AutoDriller is used during drilling.

The compass direction of the wellbore as measured while drilling. Usually specified in degrees with respect to the geographic or magnetic north pole.

Include whichever is available.
degrees Azimuth Azimuth In MWD Azimuth
Azimuth - Survey

The compass direction of the wellbore as measured during a survey of the well, which may be coincident with drilling. Usually specified in degrees with respect to the geographic or magnetic north pole.

Include whichever is available.
degrees - DirectionalSurvey/Azimuth MWD Srv Azimuth Required if Azimuth (above field) is not recorded
Bit Depth

The depth of the drill bit within the hole.
feet (ft) Bit Depth Measured Depth Out Depth - Bit
Bit Diameter

The diameter of the drill bit.
inches (in) Hole Diameter BitDiameter Bit Diameter
Bit Revolutions per Minute

A measure of the rotational speed of the drill bit.
revolutions per minute (RPM) Bit RPM Average RPM Bit RPM
Block Position

The location of the traveling block within the derrick.
feet (ft) Block Height - Block Position

The date and time of the sample.
date/time - Date/Time Out Date
Date (Date Only)

The date of the sample.
Format: MM/DD/YYYY
date YYYY/MM/DD - Date (Date Only)
Date (Time Only)

The time of the sample.
Format: HH:MM:SS
time HH:MM:SS - Date (Time Only)
Depth Hole Total Vertical Depth

The total vertical depth of hole at time of sample.
feet (ft) Hole Depth Total Depth (Vert Depth Hole TVD
Differential Pressure

A measurement of fluid force per unit area subtracted from a higher measurement of fluid force per unit area.
pounds per square inch (psi) Differential Pressure Differential Pressure Differential Pressure
Dog-Leg Severity Measured while Drilling

A measure of the change in direction of a well bore over 100 feet of length. The more severe a dog-leg is, the more potential difficulties arise due to the drill string passing through a curved well trajectory.
degrees per 100 feet (deg/100ft) Dogleg Severity Dog Leg Severity MWD DLS
Downhole Torque

The rotational force, or torque, required to turn the drill bit.
kilofoot-pounds (kft-lbs) Bit Torque - Downhole Torque
Flow In

A measure of the total flow into hole from mud pumps.
gallons per minute (GPM) Total Pump Output Average Flow In Flow In
Gamma Depth Measured while Drilling

The depth of the associated Gamma measurement.
feet (ft) - - MWD Gamma Depth Required if MWD Gamma is included.
Gamma Measured while Drilling

A logged measurement of naturally occurring gamma radiation which may be used to characterize surrounding rock within the hole.
API units Gamma - MWD Gamma (API) -
Gas Carbon Dioxide

A measure of the quantity of Carbon Dioxide encountered while drilling.
parts per million (ppm) - - Gas Carbon Dioxide Required if tested for during drilling.
H2S 01

A measure of the quantity of hydrogen sulfide encountered while drilling.
parts per million (ppm) - H2S Percent H2S 01 Required if tested for during drilling.

The amount of tension on the drill string as observed from the surface.
kilopounds (klbs) Hook Load - Hookload
Hookload String

The calculated weight of the drill string.
kilopounds (klbs) String Weight Drillstring Wt Hookload String

The deviation from vertical, irrespective of compass direction, expressed in degrees, as measured by MWD accelerometers or gyroscopes.

Include whichever is available.
degrees Inclination Inclination In MWD Inclination
Inclination - Survey

The deviation from vertical, irrespective of compass direction, expressed in degrees, as measured by MWD accelerometers or gyroscopes during a survey of the well, which may be coincident with drilling.

Include whichever is available.
degrees - Inclination MWD Srv Inclination Required if Inclination (above field) is not recorded
Measured while Drilling Tool Depth

Depth of measurements taken while drilling (MWD measurements).
feet (ft) Sensor Depth - MWD Tool Depth
Mechanical Specific Energy

The energy required to remove a unit volume of rock. Used as a measure of drilling efficiency. Smaller mechanical specific energy (MSE) represents more efficient drilling, and therefore a higher rate of penetration (ROP).

Include whichever is available or other MSE (e.g. Texas A&M University (TAMU), MSE Downhole, or TAMU MSE Total).
kilopounds per square inch (ksi) Mechanical Specific Energy - MSE
Mechanical Specific Energy - Downhole

The energy required to remove a unit volume of rock as measured within the well. Used as a measure of drilling efficiency. Smaller mechanical specific energy (MSE) represents more efficient drilling, and therefore a higher rate of penetration (ROP).

Include whichever is available or other MSE (e.g. Texas A&M University (TAMU), MSE Downhole, or TAMU MSE Total)
pounds per square inch (psi) DAS Downhole MSE - MSE DownHole Required if Total Mechanical Specific Energy and Mechanical Specific Energy are (above fields) not recorded
Mechanical Specific Energy - Surface

The energy required to remove a unit volume of rock as measured at the surface. Used as a measure of drilling efficiency. Smaller mechanical specific energy (MSE) represents more efficient drilling, and therefore a higher rate of penetration (ROP).

Include whichever is available or other MSE (e.g. Texas A&M University (TAMU), MSE Downhole, or TAMU MSE Total).
pounds per square inch (psi) - - - Required if Total Mechanical Specific Energy and Mechanical Specific Energy are (above fields) not recorded
Mechanical Specific Energy - Total

The total energy required to remove a unit volume of rock. Used as a measure of drilling efficiency. Smaller mechanical specific energy (MSE) represents more efficient drilling, and therefore a higher rate of penetration (ROP).

Include whichever is available or other MSE (e.g. Texas A&M University (TAMU), MSE Downhole, or TAMU MSE Total).
pounds per square inch (psi) MSE Total - MSE Total Required if Mechanical Specific Energy (above field) is not recorded
Mud Motor Factor

If a downhole mud motor is being used, this value measures the number of bit revolutions produced by a unit volume of mud pumped through the motor.
revolutions per gallon (rev/gal) Speed Flow Ratio - Mud Motor Factor Required if a downhole mud motor is used.
Mud Motor Maximum Differential Pressure

Recommended maximum differential pressure in order to maximize mud motor life, which is 80% of the differential pressure at maximum motor horsepower. If the differential pressure is too high, the motor can stall. If drilling conditions are favorable, the pressure differential may be allowed to reach the maximum.
pounds per square inch (psi) Motor Max Diff - Mud Motor Diff Press Max -
Mud Motor Maximum Torque

The torque associated with the maximum differential pressure on the mud motor.
foot-pounds (ft-lbs) Motor Max Torque - Mud Motor Torque Max -
Mud Motor Revolutions per Minute

The measured number of revolutions of the downhole mud motor in each minute.
revolutions per minute (RPM) Motor RPM - Mud Motor RPM Required if a downhole mud motor is used.
Mud Temperature

The temperature of the drilling mud as it leaves the hole.
degrees Fahrenheit Temp Out Temperature Out MUD TEMP
Mud Motor Used

A binary indicator for whether or not the mud motor was used for each time step.
N/A Mud Motor Used PumpType -
On Bottom

A yes or no value indicating whether or not the bit is on the bottom of the hole (at its current depth) or not.
N/A On Bottom - On Bottom
Over Pull

The pull on the pipe over and beyond its weight in either air or fluid. This value can be indicative of hole problems.
kilopounds (klbs) Over Pull - Over Pull
Pump Pressure

The sum total of all the pressure losses from the oil well surface equipment, the drill pipe, the drill collar, the drill bit, and annular friction losses around the drill collar and drill pipe. Also referred to as system pressure loss.
pounds per square inch (psi) - Average Pump Pressure Pump Pressure
Rate of Penetration (Depth/Hour)

The speed at which the drill rig breaks and moves through the rock beneath it.
feet per hour (ft/hr) Rate Of Penetration Average ROP (Units not specified ROP Depth/Hour
Rate of Penetration (Minute/Depth)

The time it takes for the drill rig to break and move through a measured depth of rock beneath it.
minutes per foot (min/ft) Time Of Penetration - ROP Minute/Depth
Return Flow

The mud flow out of the hole.
flow percent Flow - Return Flow
Rig Mode

A more detailed descriptor of the state of the drill rig.
N/A Rig Sub State - RigMode
Rig State

A higher-level descriptor of the state of the drill rig.
N/A Rig Super State - RigState
Rotary Revolutions per Minute

The number of measured surface rotations per minute of the rotary, averaged over the interval.
revolutions per minute (RPM) Rotary RPM - - Required if top drive (RPM) is not included.
Running Speed Down

The maximum downward velocity of the drillstring while running into the hole. This value is reset following transmission of the record. It should always be a positive number. An appropriate sampling interval should be used to eliminate spikes ( e.g. 1 second).

Include if past data is available
feet per minute (ft/min) - - Running Speed Down -
Running Speed Up

Maximum upward velocity of the drillstring while picking up. This value is reset following transmission of the record. It should always be a positive number. An appropriate sampling interval should be used to eliminate spikes ( e.g. 1 second).

Include if past data is available
feet per minute (ft/min) - - Running Speed Up -
Stick Slip

The irregular movement of a logging tool up a hole due to it being stuck and then being released. In normal operation, the cable is pulled smoothly out of the hole and the logging tool follows, but the tool can become stuck. The cable stretches, and its tension increases, until the tool is freed. At this point it moves, or slips, quickly up the hole until the normal movement is resumed. Since the depth measurement is driven by the cable, the log readings opposite a zone of stick/slip are displayed at incorrect depths. Furthermore, since each measurement has a different measure point, the zone of stick/slip shows up at a different depth on each measurement.
Indicative of drilling problems, but only available when directional tools are used.
N/A DAS Stick Slip Average - Stick Slip -
Tool Temperature

Temperature of tool used to take measurements while drilling (MWD measurements).

Include whichever is available
degrees Fahrenheit MWD Temp - MWD Tool Temperature
Tool Temperature - Survey

Temperature of tool used to take measurements during a survey of the well, which may be coincident with drilling (MWD measurements).

Include whichever is available
degrees Fahrenheit - - MWD Srv Tool Temperature Required if Tool Temperature (above field) is not recorded
Top Drive Revolutions per Minute

The rotational speed of the device that turns the drill string.
revolutions per minute (RPM) Top Drive Rotary - Top Drive RPM -
Top Drive Torque

The rotational force, or torque, required to turn the drill string.
kilofoot-pounds (kft-lbs) Top Drive Torque - Top Drive Torque (ft-lbs)
Total Strokes per Minute

The number of strokes the polished rod completes in one minute. This determines the pump rate, or the rate at which liquid is pumped. If the number of strokes per minute is increased, the pump rate is also increased. This term is also referred to as stroke speed.
strokes per minute (SPM) Pump Total Strokes Rate - SPM Total
Weight on Bit

The amount of downward force exerted on the drill bit by the drill collars.
kilopounds (klbs) Weight on Bit Average WOB Weight on Bit