Reactive Transport Modeling of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System at Stockton, NJ

Publicly accessible License 

This is the modeling data (input/output files of TOUGHREACT 4.10) used to simulate the reactive transport processes of the Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) operations at Stockton University, NJ. Readme.txt lists all the files. TOUGHREACT 4.10 requires to reproduce the modeling output. The modeling data in this submission is related to the Aquifer Injection for Energy Storage purposes outlined in "Reactive Transport Modeling of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System at Stockton, NJ During Seasonal Operations".

Citation Formats

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. (2021). Reactive Transport Modeling of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System at Stockton, NJ [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Kumar, Ram, Sonnenthal, Eric, Smith, J Torquil, Dobson, Patrick, and Nico, Peter. Reactive Transport Modeling of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System at Stockton, NJ . United States: N.p., 20 Oct, 2021. Web. doi: 10.15121/1844510.
Kumar, Ram, Sonnenthal, Eric, Smith, J Torquil, Dobson, Patrick, & Nico, Peter. Reactive Transport Modeling of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System at Stockton, NJ . United States.
Kumar, Ram, Sonnenthal, Eric, Smith, J Torquil, Dobson, Patrick, and Nico, Peter. 2021. "Reactive Transport Modeling of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System at Stockton, NJ ". United States.
@div{oedi_1366, title = {Reactive Transport Modeling of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System at Stockton, NJ }, author = {Kumar, Ram, Sonnenthal, Eric, Smith, J Torquil, Dobson, Patrick, and Nico, Peter.}, abstractNote = {This is the modeling data (input/output files of TOUGHREACT 4.10) used to simulate the reactive transport processes of the Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) operations at Stockton University, NJ. Readme.txt lists all the files. TOUGHREACT 4.10 requires to reproduce the modeling output. The modeling data in this submission is related to the Aquifer Injection for Energy Storage purposes outlined in "Reactive Transport Modeling of Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage System at Stockton, NJ During Seasonal Operations".}, doi = {10.15121/1844510}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2021}, month = {10}}


Data from Oct 20, 2021

Last updated May 21, 2024

Submitted Feb 8, 2022


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Ram Kumar



Ram Kumar

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Eric Sonnenthal

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

J Torquil Smith

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Patrick Dobson

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Peter Nico

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

DOE Project Details

Project Name Community Resilience through Low-Temperature Geothermal Reservoir Thermal Energy Storage

Project Lead Arlene Anderson

Project Number FY21 AOP


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