SSGF Mineral Major Elements and Lithium Concentration

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Presented are major element and lithium concentrations of minerals from the Salton Sea Geothermal Field (SSGF), located in the Imperial Valley, California. With a recent increase in demand for lithium, the area is now being studied as a source of geothermal brine for lithium extraction. This study was performed to help quantify lithium storage in the SSGF brine and surrounding minerals. Rocks and brines sampled in this study are from surface rhyolitic domes on the South Eastern shore of the Salton Sea, the sedimentary and evaporitic rocks in the Durmid Hills, rhyolitic drill clippings previously studied by Schmitt & Hulen, commercial drill wells, and CA State 2-14 well.

Citation Formats

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. (2023). SSGF Mineral Major Elements and Lithium Concentration [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Humphreys, J, Brounce, Maryjo, McKibben, Michael A., Dobson, Patrick, Planavsky, Noah, and Kalderon-Asael, Boriana. SSGF Mineral Major Elements and Lithium Concentration. United States: N.p., 01 May, 2023. Web. doi: 10.15121/2008491.
Humphreys, J, Brounce, Maryjo, McKibben, Michael A., Dobson, Patrick, Planavsky, Noah, & Kalderon-Asael, Boriana. SSGF Mineral Major Elements and Lithium Concentration. United States.
Humphreys, J, Brounce, Maryjo, McKibben, Michael A., Dobson, Patrick, Planavsky, Noah, and Kalderon-Asael, Boriana. 2023. "SSGF Mineral Major Elements and Lithium Concentration". United States.
@div{oedi_1515, title = {SSGF Mineral Major Elements and Lithium Concentration}, author = {Humphreys, J, Brounce, Maryjo, McKibben, Michael A., Dobson, Patrick, Planavsky, Noah, and Kalderon-Asael, Boriana.}, abstractNote = {Presented are major element and lithium concentrations of minerals from the Salton Sea Geothermal Field (SSGF), located in the Imperial Valley, California. With a recent increase in demand for lithium, the area is now being studied as a source of geothermal brine for lithium extraction. This study was performed to help quantify lithium storage in the SSGF brine and surrounding minerals. Rocks and brines sampled in this study are from surface rhyolitic domes on the South Eastern shore of the Salton Sea, the sedimentary and evaporitic rocks in the Durmid Hills, rhyolitic drill clippings previously studied by Schmitt & Hulen, commercial drill wells, and CA State 2-14 well.}, doi = {10.15121/2008491}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2023}, month = {05}}


Data from May 1, 2023

Last updated May 31, 2024

Submitted Jun 28, 2023


Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory


Jen Humphreys


J Humphreys

University of California Riverside

Maryjo Brounce

University of California Riverside

Michael A. McKibben

University of California Riverside

Patrick Dobson

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Noah Planavsky

Yale University

Boriana Kalderon-Asael

Yale University

DOE Project Details

Project Name Improved Quantification Of Li Resources For Lithium Valley

Project Lead Alexandra Prisjatschew

Project Number FY23 AOP


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