Nationwide Collection of Heat Flow and Temperture Gradient Data and Related Resources

In progress License 

This dataset features a large collection of various types of well data and related resources related to geothermal exploration across the US. This dataset contains publications, curated well data, maps, and other resources from prior to 2014, when this was originally compiled for the now-retired National Geothermal Data System (NGDS).

- Nationwide heat flow and gradient data on >44,000 wells
- >6,000 related resources tied to wells
- >900 publication PDFs and related links

SMU Geothermal Laboratory contributed two different nationwide heat flow databases to the project. One is based on equilibrium temperature measurements (over 14,000 sites) and the other is based on corrected bottom hole temperature (BHT) data from oil and gas industry wells (over 30,000 sites). In addition, scanned field notes and temperature-depth curves were associated with approximately 6000 specific sites in the heat flow database. Records were corrected and overlapping sites in the equilibrium heat flow database were linked between the original SMU National database and the UND Global Heat Flow database. New or related sites, which were not previously published because they lacked full heat flow content, are now included as gradient only information along with their detailed temperature data to fill-in data gaps. Finally, SMU submitted over 920 scanned publications, reports, and maps suitable for full text searching.

Citation Formats

Southern Methodist University . (2014). Nationwide Collection of Heat Flow and Temperture Gradient Data and Related Resources [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Richards, Maria, Chickering Pace, Cathy, and Blackwell, David. Nationwide Collection of Heat Flow and Temperture Gradient Data and Related Resources. United States: N.p., 01 Mar, 2014. Web.
Richards, Maria, Chickering Pace, Cathy, & Blackwell, David. Nationwide Collection of Heat Flow and Temperture Gradient Data and Related Resources. United States.
Richards, Maria, Chickering Pace, Cathy, and Blackwell, David. 2014. "Nationwide Collection of Heat Flow and Temperture Gradient Data and Related Resources". United States.
@div{oedi_1704, title = {Nationwide Collection of Heat Flow and Temperture Gradient Data and Related Resources}, author = {Richards, Maria, Chickering Pace, Cathy, and Blackwell, David.}, abstractNote = {This dataset features a large collection of various types of well data and related resources related to geothermal exploration across the US. This dataset contains publications, curated well data, maps, and other resources from prior to 2014, when this was originally compiled for the now-retired National Geothermal Data System (NGDS).

- Nationwide heat flow and gradient data on >44,000 wells
- >6,000 related resources tied to wells
- >900 publication PDFs and related links

SMU Geothermal Laboratory contributed two different nationwide heat flow databases to the project. One is based on equilibrium temperature measurements (over 14,000 sites) and the other is based on corrected bottom hole temperature (BHT) data from oil and gas industry wells (over 30,000 sites). In addition, scanned field notes and temperature-depth curves were associated with approximately 6000 specific sites in the heat flow database. Records were corrected and overlapping sites in the equilibrium heat flow database were linked between the original SMU National database and the UND Global Heat Flow database. New or related sites, which were not previously published because they lacked full heat flow content, are now included as gradient only information along with their detailed temperature data to fill-in data gaps. Finally, SMU submitted over 920 scanned publications, reports, and maps suitable for full text searching.}, doi = {}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2014}, month = {03}}


Data from Mar 1, 2014

Last updated Feb 5, 2025

Submission in progress


Southern Methodist University


Maria Richards


Maria Richards

Southern Methodist University

Cathy Chickering Pace

Southern Methodist University

David Blackwell

Southern Methodist University


geothermal, energy

DOE Project Details

Project Name American Recovery and Reinvestment Award: Geothermal Data Aggregation

Project Lead Arlene Anderson

Project Number EE0002852


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