Alum Innovative Exploration Project (Ram Power Inc.)
Data generated from the Alum Innovative Exploration Project, one of several promising geothermal properties located in the middle to upper Miocene (~11-5 Ma, or million years BP) Silver Peak-Lone Mountain metamorphic core complex (SPCC) of the Walker Lane structural belt in Esmeralda County, west-central Nevada. The geothermal system at Alum is wholly concealed; its upper reaches discovered in the late 1970s during a regional thermal-gradient drilling campaign. The prospect boasts several shallow thermal-gradient (TG) boreholes with TG >75oC/km (and as high as 440oC/km) over 200-m intervals in the depth range 0-600 m. Possibly boiling water encountered at 239 m depth in one of these boreholes returned chemical- geothermometry values in the range 150-230oC. GeothermEx (2008) has estimated the electrical- generation capacity of the current Alum leasehold at 33 megawatts for 20 years; and the corresponding value for the broader thermal anomaly extending beyond the property at 73 megawatts for the same duration.
Alum Geology Maps and
Alum Geology Report Combined 2009.pdf
Alum Hole 56-29 Geochemistry
Alum Magnetics Round
Alum Magnetics Round
Alum Magnetotellurics Ground
Alum Magnetotellurics
Alum Regional Temperature Historic Shallow Temperature
Alum Regional Temperature Modern Shallow Temperature
Alum Resource
Alum Site
Alum Well Data Hole
Alum Well Data Hole
Citation Formats
Ram Power, Inc.. (2010). Alum Innovative Exploration Project (Ram Power Inc.) [data set]. Retrieved from
Miller, Clay. Alum Innovative Exploration Project (Ram Power Inc.) . United States: N.p., 01 Jan, 2010. Web. doi: 10.15121/1148793.
Miller, Clay. Alum Innovative Exploration Project (Ram Power Inc.) . United States.
Miller, Clay. 2010. "Alum Innovative Exploration Project (Ram Power Inc.) ". United States.
@div{oedi_269, title = {Alum Innovative Exploration Project (Ram Power Inc.) }, author = {Miller, Clay.}, abstractNote = {Data generated from the Alum Innovative Exploration Project, one of several promising geothermal properties located in the middle to upper Miocene (~11-5 Ma, or million years BP) Silver Peak-Lone Mountain metamorphic core complex (SPCC) of the Walker Lane structural belt in Esmeralda County, west-central Nevada. The geothermal system at Alum is wholly concealed; its upper reaches discovered in the late 1970s during a regional thermal-gradient drilling campaign. The prospect boasts several shallow thermal-gradient (TG) boreholes with TG >75oC/km (and as high as 440oC/km) over 200-m intervals in the depth range 0-600 m. Possibly boiling water encountered at 239 m depth in one of these boreholes returned chemical- geothermometry values in the range 150-230oC. GeothermEx (2008) has estimated the electrical- generation capacity of the current Alum leasehold at 33 megawatts for 20 years; and the corresponding value for the broader thermal anomaly extending beyond the property at 73 megawatts for the same duration.}, doi = {10.15121/1148793}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2010}, month = {01}}
Data from Jan 1, 2010
Last updated Aug 19, 2021
Submitted Nov 20, 2013
Ram Power, Inc.
geothermal, Gravity, Magnetics, MT, Geochemistry, Regional Temperature, Resource Model, Well Data, Geology, upper Miocene, Silver Peak, Lone Mountain, Walker Lane, Alum, Esmeralda County, Nevada, Gravity Survey, Grid, Terrain, 5km, 10km, Upward Continued Regional Residual, Bouger, Horizontal Gravity Gradient, North America, Imperial County, Grav-Mag, Magnetic, 3D, Profile, Profiles, Round 1, 2009, Round 2, 2010, magnetotellurics, Inversion, 30 ohm, 100 ohm, 300 ohm, ZTEM, Chemistry, Geothermometry, Temperature, hole 56-29, Historic, Shallow, Well Logs, Modern, geologic, geomechanics, geophysical, 25-29, 26-19, Geology, report, executive summary, maps, sections, Photos, Photographs, Pictures, geospatial dataDOE Project Details
Project Name Recovery Act: Alum Innovative Exploration Project
Project Lead Mike Weathers
Project Number EE0002845