Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: USGS 2007 Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii

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Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii published by the USGS in 2007. Includes downloadable GIS layers. Used in the Play Fairway project to obtain location of calderas, volcanic vents, dikes, and faults, as well as ages. To the fault layer we appended data from the USGS Quaternary fault and fold database.

Citation Formats

University of Hawaii. (2007). Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: USGS 2007 Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii [data set]. Retrieved from https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/513.
Export Citation to RIS
Sherrod, David R., Sinton, John M., Watkins, Sarah E., and Brunt, Kelly M. Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: USGS 2007 Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii. United States: N.p., 01 Jan, 2007. Web. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/513.
Sherrod, David R., Sinton, John M., Watkins, Sarah E., & Brunt, Kelly M. Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: USGS 2007 Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii. United States. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/513
Sherrod, David R., Sinton, John M., Watkins, Sarah E., and Brunt, Kelly M. 2007. "Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: USGS 2007 Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii". United States. https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/513.
@div{oedi_513, title = {Hawaii Play Fairway Analysis: USGS 2007 Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii}, author = {Sherrod, David R., Sinton, John M., Watkins, Sarah E., and Brunt, Kelly M.}, abstractNote = {Geologic Map of the State of Hawaii published by the USGS in 2007. Includes downloadable GIS layers. Used in the Play Fairway project to obtain location of calderas, volcanic vents, dikes, and faults, as well as ages. To the fault layer we appended data from the USGS Quaternary fault and fold database.}, doi = {}, url = {https://gdr.openei.org/submissions/513}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2007}, month = {01}}


Data from Jan 1, 2007

Last updated May 20, 2024

Submitted Sep 11, 2015


University of Hawaii


Nicole Lautze



David R. Sherrod

United States Geologic Survey

John M. Sinton

University of Hawaii

Sarah E. Watkins

United States Geologic Survey

Kelly M. Brunt

United States Geologic Survey

DOE Project Details

Project Name Comprehensive analysis of Hawaii's geothermal potential through Play Fairway integration of geophysical, geochemical, and geological data

Project Lead Holly Thomas

Project Number EE0006729


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