Community Geothermal: Final Thermal Conductivity Test Report and Data Logs - Carbondale, CO

Publicly accessible License 

Provided here are a final thermal conductivity test report, a drilling log, and a heat rejection log from Carbondale, CO. Also attached is a report made before drilling, which contains predictions on the hydrogeologic conditions of the drill site. The forty-eight (48.9) hour in-situ thermal conductivity test was performed on the 28th through the 30th, of November 2023. The test was performed at the borehole drilled on November 16th through the 20th, at the 3rd Street Center at 520 S. 3rd, Street in Carbondale, Colorado. Testing was done with a certified Ewbank portable test unit.

Citation Formats

Clean Energy Economy for the Region (CLEER). (2023). Community Geothermal: Final Thermal Conductivity Test Report and Data Logs - Carbondale, CO [data set]. Retrieved from
Export Citation to RIS
Ewbank, Garen, Clemenzi, Richard, Harman, Duane, Smith, Mark, and White, Richard. Community Geothermal: Final Thermal Conductivity Test Report and Data Logs - Carbondale, CO. United States: N.p., 20 Oct, 2023. Web. doi: 10.15121/2368591.
Ewbank, Garen, Clemenzi, Richard, Harman, Duane, Smith, Mark, & White, Richard. Community Geothermal: Final Thermal Conductivity Test Report and Data Logs - Carbondale, CO. United States.
Ewbank, Garen, Clemenzi, Richard, Harman, Duane, Smith, Mark, and White, Richard. 2023. "Community Geothermal: Final Thermal Conductivity Test Report and Data Logs - Carbondale, CO". United States.
@div{oedi_1598, title = {Community Geothermal: Final Thermal Conductivity Test Report and Data Logs - Carbondale, CO}, author = {Ewbank, Garen, Clemenzi, Richard, Harman, Duane, Smith, Mark, and White, Richard.}, abstractNote = {Provided here are a final thermal conductivity test report, a drilling log, and a heat rejection log from Carbondale, CO. Also attached is a report made before drilling, which contains predictions on the hydrogeologic conditions of the drill site. The forty-eight (48.9) hour in-situ thermal conductivity test was performed on the 28th through the 30th, of November 2023. The test was performed at the borehole drilled on November 16th through the 20th, at the 3rd Street Center at 520 S. 3rd, Street in Carbondale, Colorado. Testing was done with a certified Ewbank portable test unit.

}, doi = {10.15121/2368591}, url = {}, journal = {}, number = , volume = , place = {United States}, year = {2023}, month = {10}}


Data from Oct 20, 2023

Last updated May 30, 2024

Submitted May 2, 2024


Clean Energy Economy for the Region (CLEER)


Jon Fox-Rubin



Garen Ewbank

Ewbank Geo Testing L.L.C.

Richard Clemenzi

Geothermal Design Center Inc.

Duane Harman


Mark Smith

Sound Geothermal

Richard White

Richard B. White PE PLLC

DOE Project Details

Project Name Carbondale Community Geothermal Coalition-Replicable Models for Decarbonizing Mixed-use Rural Communities in Cold Climates

Project Lead Jeffrey Bowman

Project Number EE0010663


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